Hello it's me plebNo1!! (here are my celeb mates, there's Miquita doing some Yoga, and Steve Jones..without his Acne breakout today, that he shaves over from time to time.... when he's depressed you can see he's had to shave over his acne
, and has left 'marks'.on his skin which Channel 4 forces on us on weekend mornings..not that I have that problem, as I'm just one big spot)
Well would you look at this...
I think I better give this blog things a bit of a rest, as I knew that many 'z' list celebs like me, who get paid for doing what seems like very little ....are getting very upset....I mean Steve Jones and Miquita are really in a bad mood today, but Shaz put on the telly just whilst they were in the middle of one of their very 'clever' put downs, you know the ones that come up with...and seem to throw around at everyone apart from themselves,......mind you when it comes down to
hurling abuse at Steve and Co we've got the viewing public to do that, the type that don't write in and say hello Steve and Miquita 'your soo great'..no the type of viewing public who just hate you enough 'not' to write in and let you know what they think...
Seems they can't take a joke, but you know what...I'm surprised they are trying to get at
Shaerzaaad...they are more bothered than me. ..oh well the extra support will help me get some courage and bravery again..maybe I'll start again on Monday's show.
Looks like I really am a 'captain' aren't I? Got my minions to do my dirty work, and I don't even have to ask....It's me PlebNo1 and General Alpha Male, wow, all that for doing no 'real' work..
Steve's 'I'm in control laugh' was a real treat though...yes I know you've got an imagination as vivid as mine to think that you have won so easily Steve, pick your fights next time, or you'll be in a worse position than me..
..Shazerazaad says she's happy you've found the strength and will to continue with life again though....tell you what, you can regurgitate this blog on your next 300 shows if your contract lasts that long...the Sienna sick joke was hilarious, I'm sure she's really,really hurt, and couldn't see your foolproof tactics. ...Actually Steve was making sick 'jokes' about Sinenna which reminded me of how the viewing public feels having to wake up on an empty stomach, and see him with his spotty breakout...thank god this only happens once every decade or so.
Yes, its me PlebNo1..and guess I'm soo happy my Plebby mates are nearly (just nearly) as clever as me!! Maybe they can put on some songs about 'jealousy' which is obviously what Shaerazaad is clearly suffering from xx
Its ok, Vernon is trying the same games today, but he's ok Vernon, not too much trouble, except when he 'finally' realises that he's got to stand up for his celeb mates...and has sat there for ages, not even a punch for Shaherazaad..must of been distracted by the 'chicken' sandwich, which I presume is made of chicken fillets.
very strange, all this fighting talk...i thought you all had a sense of humour,...obviously not then.....
Anyway back soon with my fundraising proposal and my speech...for the Institute of Asian Business Awards.
Bye Bye
Sinned PlebNO1...
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