Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Show Must Go On

The show must go on....

Shaherazaaad is killing my slowly, but you know I can't show it can I? So I'll just sing this song, maybe me and wax can sing it to fill up Radio space as usual, I told you I've never done a real day's work in my life. Why do the Balti Broomcupboard Association pay me? And what for exactly? Maybe Ed the Duck, and Gordon the Gopher have the answers, they could me my new guru's..since Rajesh is ignoring me now.

The show must go on...
The show must go on...
Inside my heart is breaking...
My make-up maybe flaking,(shit they'll see my big nasty spot, oh sorry I forgot that's my face.....and head...well actually it doesn't matter because most of my body parts look quite similar anyway, penis/bald head..can you 'spot' the diffrerence, no I can't either...)
but my smile...still stays on....(and my crap accent/s)
The show must go on....

Did you notice the 'play' on words again Handsworth Grammar???? Gosh, such a good thing we were sent through 'privaleged' education isn't it. All those years of 'privaleged education, with privaleged people' and I talk about hiding spots all day for a living.

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