Freddy says : Actually four eyes, I think you've been on the 'coke' again Mr Ray. I wouldn't pride yourself too much on studying at Handsworth Grammar, Grove Lane, due to the fact that EVERYBODY knows that Handsworth Grammar would open it's door to any thicko who's had enough post 11 tutoring through the doors. Handsworth Grammar is a recruiting ground for all the posh thicko's who couldn't get into King Edwards. And you better think twice about doing a ghosty theme on your programme again, or I'll come and haunt your ass, and you won't like it one little bit.
You need more than flaking make-up to cover up that big spot you seem to try and pass off as your ugly face, or is it Halloween theme everyday at the Adil Ray residence, 25 Cromwell Street.
Biatch..California knows how to party, California knows how to party....you better get another theme tune behind that rubbish you seem to call presenting aswell, or my mate Dr Dre will whip your ass. You Biatch!
Just wait till you die, I'll give you iniatiation fucking process! You'll need to do more than count numbers in Chinese/Mirpuri to get through that you Biatch!...you better think about the shit you present on your shit show, which is a 'drag' in more ways than one!! Tupac's waiting for you, and has some Giant Magpies waiting for some earthworms to eat, and your the only worm that's big enough. Big emourmous Crows too....think about that next time you take some of Mummy's mushrooms.
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