Dear avid readers,
As you may already be aware there has been a lot of 'activity' and dramabaazi going on today, in particular between my brainwaves and DM Digital, the 'first lady' of DM Digital Samina Khan, to be exact. The incident occured when Samina was presenting DM Digital 'very confidently'. I took this as a clue to her secretly laughing behind my back, and then went to SPAR, and began plotting war on my return from SPAR.
On arrival of my humble abode I turned DM Digital back on to continue with my 'revenge' plots, and was greeted with an interview with Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty (yes, Shilpa you fool Jade, by the way, don't worry my mum can't get your name right either...introducing Jadey to the Big Brother house).
Anyway, not wanting to miss an oppurtunity I behaved in an extremely childish manner, and began making 'punching' gestures at the screeen, and began a 'barrage' of insults through my brainwaves..which we're not very pleasant, and bordering on the pathological, racist, and the very ignorant. This didn't help that Shilpa was dying to laugh as I continued, but I think she understood that I was merely pulling a P.R stunt for my 'piece de resitance' bit of creative writing, and also I think she understood that I was behaving in a very 'besharam' way, and I'm sure understands that it will take some time for the Badmashi energy which now surges through my body to settle down, and sink into my bloodcells, my bloodcells also find all this 'kanjaree' energy very alien..
I merely wanted to 'work out' whether Samina and Shilpa were aware of my brainwaves in the same way that Fern and Philip could hear me...and also wanted to plug my website which is http://www.stalk4u.blogspot.com/. I switched on the telly again later on and it looked as if Samina DM Digital had been crying, and I never wanted to hurt your feelings, there's only one person I want to kill, and I think we all know who that is.
Anyway, hope that is ok, and I'm sorry about my besharm behaviour, as I am new to this world, I am getting quite excited at the moment, and I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry, and I will now see to it that the 'real' culprit gets his punishment. There will be some flogging going on tonight for the real culprit.
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