Hello, it's me PlebNo1!!
Please take a look at my photo, then scroll down and read my previous piece of creative writing titled You Tube : Rainbow, and then click on the Youtube link, after you have read my bollocks perspective on life, come back and look at the picture above.
It's a little psychological experiment, and it will make you understand exactly why they are now calling me TwatNo1 as opposed to PlebNo1, which it seems is not conveying the true feelings people are harbouring for me, and my new found social status.
I'm sure you will be enlightened as to the real reason why I have been given the title of TwatNo1.
Bye Bye
For all porno watchers like myself, do you think my name has a double meaning, or does it mean I am a twat in the metaphorical sense of the word. We need a raincloud for my musings don't we? Maybe Bungle can get the crayolas out and draw me one...and I'll use that a million times in my blog.
PS : Feel free to print off this picture of me, and throw darts at it for fun, it seems that it will get to that stage soon anyway, so I may as well begin the pretend to invite the mutiny with open arms, as my grumpy voice is simply not working.
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