Thursday, November 1, 2007

Warning from Freddy

You useless piece of shit!!

You mention my fucking name ever again, and I'll come down and slit your throat myself!! You pile of crap, you look like a big turd...

Don't you dare address an icon like me ever again by the name Freddy again. EVER. you mother fucker, go and dance with your lonely mom, who's the real bat who's really alone in this world and is the real inspiration for your 'Muslim Woman goes on Dragon's Den to get some money for a Mosque''...yeah cos she's never been laid, well only twice, and you were the fucking result', and needs a husband cos your Dad's too lazy to get a brain (he's listening to your show isn't he, i heard your fucking announcement last week, obviously you have to be brain dead to listen to your show...)

Oh and don't think I didn't notice how you had to barter with your own Dad to listen to your pile of shit. Shit by nature, Shit by watch what I do to you when it's switchover fucking time!!!!!! We're all waiting for you, and yes, I have been givem more authority than you because at least I got the 'bismillah' thing right. ...

If you want to leave messages you go through my people you turd!! YOU DARE FUCKING SPEAK MY NAME ON YOUR SNAKE TONGUE EVER AGAIN!!

Pile of shit

Signed your worst fucking nightmare...

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