Arun Bajaj 'MD' of RadioXL fame, and IAB chairman..they have three tables you know...Maybe he can supply me and my ex-boyf Omar some with an extra million pounds to fund out toilet roll business. ..also looking to open my own Radio station, so maybe Arun can help me.
To the far left is my money can, that I have 'downloaded' from the internet.

JD from RadioXL fame...a picture of him a very fetching wig. I will definately be hobnobbing with JD tonight to discuss wig styles, and were I can get a good 'deal' on a good quality wig...not that I'm bald or anything of course..
Hello everybody, guess who? Yes, it's me PlebNo1, plebbing around as per usual, forcing everyone to slate me, and generally tell me to piss off..
Anyway, who cares about all the above........I've ironed my shirt (all by myself) and have made sure the sleeves are really crisp, and have washed my face (all by myself) although I did use the bottle of spit mummy left for me on my bedroom table before PENISGATE.
Anyway, I'll have to make an excellent impression today, in front all the financial big wigs, as I really would like to have my own Radio station (once again copying Shaerazaad ideas, and passing them off as my own, and also because I have to desperately raise some funding for Mummy's Penisfund, which will help similar old bats like Mummy to have their very own 'bonafide' penis, to have and to hold forever more)
I will definately try and raise some funds today, and hopefully have told their organisers to set up a raffle, and am not averse to going round all the tables in the ICC and collecting funds myself. It will mean I get a chance to introduce myself as the 'z' list celebrity whose pile of shit you will have to endure for the next couple of hours..oh well RadioXL will be there, and well I could chat to them, and slag off Shaerzaad, and maybe get into Shabana's good books again. so she stops encouraging RadioXL listeners to insult me, and come on air callling themselves 'Raja' (which means Prince in Hindi)...she seems to find this extremely amusing, so maybe I can play the 'I'm a good person' now card....oh well at least Shaherzaad won't be there, cos at the moment I'm playing the 'play dead' game, which means I'll pretend to be of no harm, then wait till she forgets to kick my head in then start on her all over again......ohh haaa haaa heee heee...I can start on her again today, and she won't know a thing!! Aren't I so clever? She is trying to ruin my performance today, so I'll inform all the security, because I don't want to lose face in front of all that walking talking money....
I think in line with Children in Need, I would like to set my own bit of fundraising, inspired of course by Mummy, it will be called : PENIS IN NEED. ...how original is that? I could set up my own blog, just like this one.
Yes, PENIS IN NEED will be set up for all the lonely wives out there just like Mummy, who have never had a real penis, to have and to hold, to cherish, in sickness and in health. We will also set up a carers account also, which aims to help all the young Male carers just like me, who have to dance with Mummy at weddings, and attend the odd funeral with her, because Daddy is off galavanting with the Lilo Lil's of this world!! Isn't that a fabulous idea? Wow, I'm a real genius aren't I? It's a good thing I'm so effeminate isn't it? Now I too can do something with the powers given to me at birth...instead of trying to be Rajesh, Rosemary and Shaherzaad all day long.
I will make fun of Shaz today, so eveyone laughs, and I can get some dutch courage...then I can come into the studio on monday, and try and sound as if I'm presenting the show with my legs wide open, just like what a 'real' man sounds like...how wonderful!
Shaherzaad is being clver and bringing up my past, well humph she has a past too you know, yes I know all about it and will exploit it even though she's told me she doesn't give a shit anymore, put I'll put my 'grey' coat on again, and use the nifty stuck on gloves, and do my 'counting' to a million to dull out her voice in my head, and pretend really, really hard that I didn't hear that one!!
Anyway, i hope I make lots of money tonight for the plight of my mummy, and other mummies xxx
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