Hello everybody, it's RajaNo1 the best stalker in town....
It's about the direction I gave to the sEx dUnGeOn..
If your on foot like that bitch Shaerazaad (who has really clicked on that everyone is laughing at me, it took me a bit of time to face facts but this really, really is happening) then you will need directionz to cum to our humble abode.
Sex Dungeon
The house with the spire,
25 Cromwell Street,
The United States of America
Sorry there are no regular trains, buses, Tanga's or horseback carriages near the Cromwell residence, but loads of Funeral Hearses hanging around so just jump on the back of one...they all lead to the witches coven anyway, or at least make tribute to the coven on every single journey. It's great here in the United States of America..not like the days in Mirpur, when I would stand around for days in my Blue Shalwar Kameez waiting for a chance to hitchhike....but hey I always knew that there was always the odd donkey communiting from Dadyal to Peshawar via the Jeetee Road. I'd always hop on one, and then when night fall would come would make other uses (if you know what I mean)
Rosemary Royle said that I'm not allowed to bring any Donkey's to the sex coven. I just do what she says these days anyway, but slag her off with my colleague friends, not that I want to hurt Rosemary's feelings, it's just that I need to keep 'face' in front of my fellow working proffesionals you know.
The Village Idiot ( where no one wants to know my name, and there isn't a 'tanga' in sight, only Donkeys, but like all good indigenous people's we make as many 'uses' of what small resources we have, which is also the story of my life)
(remember people if you clearly have no talent and no personality, Adil knows a way to get through...follow me ...erm following other people)
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