Helloooo it's me sEx sLave to the Stars and general no talent...
(ooh that;s a thought, if I keep putting that as a title, then the Socialites in Moseley may take notice of me too)
OK new name time yet again
from now on my name is
General No Body , which is just like General Musharraf...now we can really fit in with the socialites in Moseley (no not Mossside, Mosely we're not scum you know)...more about Manchester later xx I think I'm a bit of an expert now, coming soon my observations about Coronation Street, and that bitch Shaherzaaad will tell you what it all really means.
Do you know, I keep having a pop (no not poppers, that's a whole different blog, which involves dungeons and donkeys and the Dragon's Den, more on that later)
I've had a fantastic time in the seX dUngEon today, it were great ! (the last bit were in a Leeds accent for no a'pparent reason, except for I think it makes me look dead talented).
We had 'punch' and cucumber sandwiches, and with some shackles and blindfold's and Rosemary West carved out a nice pumpkin with her arty farty friends..although we sat down to eat in a very civilsed manner, and then I bummed Rosemary which was nice. We didn't even get the new lace trim napkins dirty this time... and all of our chef friends came down, as I'm feeling very threatened by chefs these days...once upon a time I tried to seduce one, but he dumped me.
Anyway, guess what? Turns out there is a book about my sEx dUnGeOn called ''The Sex Dungeon'' whose author is Ray Gordon ( i kid you not this is all true). Please visit his website called
and to read the sEx DunGeOn ( which is also available in e-format) please visit : www.raygordonbooks.co.uk/sex%dungeon.shtml
I think our sex dungeon idea was meant to be, it's ok I can stop spelling it as sEx dUnGeOn now, I've ejaculated. Had to think of my Donkey from mirpur though, but we got their in the end didn't we Rose?
Ray Gordon has also left an audio message...and Rosemary is modelling on the website too, the chinese young girl, who looks like she's 8 with loads of make-up although she's really 24. I was soo proud of her when she beated the drums to being the sexual shenanigans, just like in the chocolate advert...she took a long deep breath aswell...we're so celeb aren't we?
bye bye
general nobody
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