Want to know where he got the 'genius' idea of giving himself the second name Ray? Try www.raycokes.com, and see who this reminds you of? Sorry 'Ray' I'll expose you for what you really are, so better take a double dose of the magic powder stuff. Don't worry Mr Mirchandani you are not alone, and as you can see this is a bit of a pattern. Have fun at the Asian Business Awards xx Hope someone throws a few shoes in your direction, or two.
(No need for any tomatoes, a jhoothi is more on his 'true' level, can't forget our roots now can we Raja)
Tell you what, just to dull the pain, you can speak in a punjabi accent for the rest of your show today, and say 'Shoe' in a Punjabi accent...but remeber Adil, don't speak more than three sentences, cos the last time you did that, the Mirpuri started coming out, whilst you thought you were being oh sooo clever. Not very good at your foolproof Punjabi speaking charade are you?
It's ok next time your ashamed of your race, you can pretend to be an old Muslim woman who calls everyone a 'kafir'...because you're just soooo British aren't you....was the hag inspired by Rosemary then, your very own witch xx
Happy broadcasting from your Broomcupboard, don't worry I won't be listening.
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