Thursday, November 1, 2007


Still waiting for Transmission to continue

Shaherazaad says : Since we are waiting for the 'tamasha' to continue, we will have to listen to some music to pass the time.

Here is my playlist to reflect the mood of the moment. A nation waits with baited breath (see this is where RajaNo1 gets his notepad out, and basically repeats what I have said and changes the sentence around makes it out as if he said it first)

1. Cry me a river by Justin Timberlake (he likes to think he is Justin)
2. Mein tera dushman, dushman tu mera : from the film Nagina
3. Kala sya Kala
4. Your so vain
5. Dude looks like a lady : Aerosmith
6. and every other shit song he plays on his shit show, because it's not as if anything he does is for anyone else anyway, i mean a 10 hour show, to get at someone for 128493939 years is proof alone.

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