What the hell is going on? My tricks aren't working anymore, I'm being exposed for the fake that I am? Even Freddy hates my guts, and he's dead...
Ok, calm Raja, calm down..right best thing to do is give Shams new names, just like I have been to myself throughout my career..and relate it to things I 'want' to say to to others but haven't got the guts...like I think the hairy thing makes Shaherazaaz cry, so today Shams we will conspire and come up with a foolproof plan. We'll call you Wax, and I'll use my 'really violent' voice, and say what do you fink 'wax' and really use all my strength and say it really, really violently..That's show me up to be the true man that I am, and no one will know I'm the world's biggest pleb.
Think Adal, Adhaab. Azhaab (no that's what Freddy's crows will do to me when I die..eeek) RajaNo1...oh fuck whatever the hell my name is, I mean It's not as if I fucking know who I am anyway, so who gives a shit!! I know lets' make fun of religion, when all else fails, yes, that's an excellent plan. ..as long as everyone laughs at the right time, we can keep glossing everything over, and I'll be able to keep my job, and my outreach work...no need to pretend to be an old lady and beg for money to build a mosque just yet..still got time to turn all this around!!
Anyway...think what would Rajesh Mirchandani do in a situation like this. Rajesh will know what to do, i just know it. I have a picture of him in my pendant which I keep underneath my pillow..yes I've moved all the stalker stuff now, and stashed in into the Broomcupboard on 25 Cromwell Steet for the mo, as I never envisaged that this would happen.
I thought I'd seen all I could too Jay Sean, but Nikki proved me wrong...maybe I can't see things in others because well there's nothing every authentic about me anyway...but the best thing to counteract that is too find the authentic ones, find their weak points, and exploit and copy it all at the same time and make myself really, really famous. Foolproof..who's ever gonna see through that one.
BYe, BYe,
Signed the Broomcupboard Idiot
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