Dear Mummy, xxxx
you know, i will never understand what you've been through your entire life, not even having the privalege of seeing a real penis..
something overcame me, and well...i just drew this for you, because i really love you and want things to work out between us all, and really really do want to understand why you feel this way...
plus, i don;t want you to be the type of mother in law who comes in between our marriage, the way most unlucky asian mothers do, because their husbands have absolutely no respect for them..so they cling onto their son's like they are the crown jewels, so i've made this especially for you...i have scanned this piece of art, and will give you the real thing on christmas day at christmas lunch xxx maybe it'll make daddy see the error of his ways, but you know it makes me have sooo much sympathy for RajaNo1..i can see all the pain he must have gone through making fun of shaherazaad....i really, really understand the pain and anguish he was going through, masking all his pain through the avenue of humour, pointing out the unfairness of life, just like 'Jane Austen'...
i hope you like the penis, it;s your to keep forvever, and i think it's inspirational to see how you've transformed your sewing skills into a massive conglomerate business...i really think my penis is quite new age, don't you, and very life like...just as well really. i especially think it'll look great on the new marble mantelpiece, which matches the marble floors, which matches the marble wall, which matches the marble ceiling...
love and kisses...
frida kohl-o
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