here is a picture of a beetle playing dead.
My next political move, as it's all going horribly wrong...although I feel better because me and mummy baked some cakes yesterday...yes, good news she is talking to me again. Although I will save the fundraising until Mother's Day.
Bye bye,
PlebNo1 (sorry I missed my usual intro : hello it's me PlebNo1 as Sheherzaad is really after my blood, so I can't keep pretending that she fancies me, becuase I don't think girls that fancy you threaten to 'ruin' your presenting gig at the Asian Business Awards, nope really starting to see that she doesn't really like yours truly...she was plannning to turn up and throw tomatoes at my face, she even spoke to the organisers and I know she'll do it underneath all the bravado that I put on for my minions to believe...oh well will have to play the beetle card, as she is following me round with a really big stick! Like Perwez Musharraf she has also imposed a 'state of emergency' on the state, and has stepped up to kick my ass, in light of recent developments and says it is for the 'good' of humanity)
My 'z' list celeb mates will stick up for me as usual, as they have nothing to fall back on like me, I mean it's not as if most of us have a real 'inner' person to fall back on when the going get's tough, so like most 'true' devils we will rally up at these times of crisis and help out..except for the ones who can see through me, and have come to realise that I'm just a big fucking twat...who bakes cakes with Mummy when times get tough, and especially when I haven't got my studio, and 'paid' Balti Broomcupboard Confederation colleagues to 'titter' on queue to my bad jokes to help me out when in I've got myself into a 'tight' spot. ..which I caused all by myself, and only have myself to blame.
The Village Idiot
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