Hello again it's me RajaNo1 the best stalker in town xxx
Here's a great pic of the future (shaherazaad make sure you look away now).... 'Mrs' StalkerNo1! This is her with crazy cool 'child killer' glasses on, doesn't she look a treat? We took this one evening after a long day of nude photoshooting for topshelftopchoice magazine as she is a glamour model. After the shoot was over me and Gioleveenagniuasdofgjdsbvdsbvhlsdb got down to some real 'shooting' if you know what I mean. Don't worry we have all white furniture, so Shaherzaad is good for something!!
Do you look back at your life sometimes and think that some things are just 'meant' to be....my teenage years were spent watching Brookside every Saturday and now 6700 years later when I look into the eyes of my child killing beloved I know the reason and meaning of life.
Can I just say (by the way I have now broken into a Leeds accent for no apparent reason except for the fact that I am Stalker No 1, and do this because I think it gives my show comic effect) don't you think lezzer Anna Friel was a dead ringer for Kate Moss when she was in Brookside?
Anyway, with love in my heart, it's time to go and get washed and ready for SeX nItE @ tHe SeX dUngEoN!!
Love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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