Hello everyone,
The sessional work as the BBC's new Rajesh Mirchandani impersonator is running a bit low these days...oh well, it means I've got more time to contemplate on the 'pressing' issues of the world, like what Shaharezaad had for Breakfast this morning, and if she dreamt about me last night...
Oh well if I had paid as much attention on Shaherazaad as I did on my fake friends, I'd see that Friction is not 'really' my mate, or Sonia Deol. In fact. how shocking they are...when Sherherezaad watches the tv, and they are on that dumb religious programme they don't even give her a dirty look!! Humph, no loyalty...in fact Sonia seems to break into a smirk everytime Sheherazaad puts the tele on...it seems to look as if she finds something really, really funny!! Maybe she's laughing at me behind my back, and that Nihal,,,,he sat with Sheherzaad's favourite bands (well, what seems like her fave band, i dunno what the hell she's upto these days,,, I thought she loved me, and that was a trick,,,i didn't know she could lie like that)..who were ripping it out of me, and didn't say a word! Oh well, at least I have my other minions on Radio to stick up for me. So much for my so called friends. It;s not like the good old days...old school, the days of standard are way behind me now, maybe they can see through my charade.
Anyway, another 'pressing' issue is Miss Piggy. Please note she is now not being called Miss Piggy, as this will give her weight issues, and of course she's just been through so much hasn't she? No her new name as from today is Frida the cow, after a debate show has renamed her...I told her to think before she made a lunge for me!!! Sheherazaad is enjoying this quite a lot and has a message for Frida. Yo Frida, wassup? No need to try and defend yourself love, I'm past caring about Raja's opinion, which obviously means you too as you are one and the same..., you on the other hand care a lot about mine? Don't worry my names not Omar, ...gosh she's a big baby isn't she...I've had my back and crack immaced and she starts getting all threatened....some people ...!! Humph!! And by the way what exactly are you going to do? Fight! Fight! Fight! Oh yeah, beat up four eyes...yes, please be my guest! Are you going to fight everyone who is laughing at you..you'll be here for a long time then won't you? Leave the fighting talk to the real women, and go and be a good girl, and get Raja his milk.

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