rIGHT!! THat's IT (SORRY, I'm GoIng BaCk To My Stalker Text AgaIN) (ProBLems)
Hello It's me agAIn...
i really wanted to add some pics to help Jolean get trhough the text you see...but unfortunately I can't upload pictures.. see how much I care, I love you all soo much, I tell you about every single detail of my life, even my incapabilities...that's how much I care about you all.
Guess what happened today?
Well I'll give you a clue, the title says Green Card problems, so obviously it may have something to do with my Green Card!
Ok, times up! I'll let the Cat out of the Bag!!!
Well, ever since I got my Green Card, Sheherazaad has been livid!! She just can't take it!! She's been making Knife gestures at the screen when I cunningly spy on her (what? I can't help it she knows, I thought she's never find out!!!)
Well, the problem is...I now have some idea of how much of a creep I truly am, but Jolean doesn't!! She went on Lorraine Kelly Breakfast Show this morning...Miss Piggy is releasing a book, and the needed someone with BIG BLUE EYES, so they asked Jolean...she asked me for my permission, and I said..''oh darling, mind how you go, make sure they represent you prope.....
(But the time I had finished, she had already slammed the door shut....she had been posing in front of the mirror for hours on end, and then sort of left! Where did she go? Oh that's a good 'link' isn't it. time for some Dr Alpern..
Where do you go, my lovely, where do you go? I wanna know my lovely? Where do you go? Where do you go? NAH, NAH, NAH, NAH, Where do you go? la, la, la, la?..)
Oh it's ok, I'm secretely glad, at least she's not clinging on anymore...just the way I cling and stalk, we can't be having that can we?
Yes, anyway..I was well chuffed today,as she's getting a bit threatened, I mean ever since I've got my Green Card, and my posh girlfriend, I've had to leave my village days behind, and Sheherazaad wants her revenge...Ha!! I got her! I've left, onto the Land of dreams, where life is better!!! I'm soo happy, there are so many immigrants and freshies here looking for a 'new' life!! Well, anyway, the problem, is now with Mrs Jolean...she's getting a bit threatened...I mean now she's got this crazy idea into my her head that Shaherezaad is back in love with me... ans she said
''get your hands off my man''
Oh I just sit there and smile...I know she's a bit tender after I cheated on her and slept with Shaherezaad's ex-boyf!!! I bummed him for ages, and she didn't have a clue...so now it's all a bit tough for her, and her imagination goes a bit haywire, even though like me...she too spends all day spying on Shaherazaad!! what is she exactly expecting to find, mind you I like her a lot, as she reminds me a lot of Mummy... who too couldn't see me for the creep that i was, anyway I better just keep quiet or she might start beating me up again!!
Bye, bye,
I'm so proud of Miss Jolean, she did an excellent job this morning as Miss Piggy. Lorraine said to her, you have the world's most beautiful eyes, no wonder evryone fell in love with you...xxx me too I thought. Quite fancy myself as Kermit anyway, and at least if we start calling each other Miss Piggy and Kermit, people may oversee the fact that she's starting to get a bit violent!!! Great, I can upload a photo, here's one from her modelling portfolio's!

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