Wednesday, October 31, 2007


please note

RajaNo1 would like to make the following announcement :

''It has come to my attention that people think that I don't like people from Mirpur. As a real 'bonafide' Pakistani, who stems from the far away land of Dadyal I would like to confirm that despite the sarcasm in some of my words on this post, I am not ashamed of my family origins, and am not a Mirpuri hater. I am simply touching on the ignorance that many people have for this indiginous community through the avenue of humour. Just like 'Jane Austen' I am simply being ironic. What I really want to do is 'empower' the local Mirpuri community to 'not' be ashamed of where they are from despite what people say, and am poking fun at those Mirpuri's who pretend that they are not from Dadyal and are from Faisalabad. Not that I am one of those people of course, I mean I would never lie about where my family is from in Pakistan, and Thai brides don't even know where Mirpur is anyway,..... just as well really''

RajaNo1 would like to say that he is not responsible for any offence caused in this blog.

Love and Kissses from Frida the cow xxxxx

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