Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Jimmy Hill's Love child
Ownership of the Skeletor joke

Shaherazaad says : The punch story below is total bull, as per usual. For any true media enquires please contact Asjaad Nazheer from Easternspye newspaper, who was one of the original 'haterz' back in the day when it was just me and Nihal's 'Adil has a receding hairline quip''..oh how I cherished those words. In fact Ajaad Nazheer's observation of RajaNo1 were actually quite groundbreaking, and he should be greatly rewarded for his excellent journalism, and the ability to spot a trend well before it's fruition date. See him shine this week in the Easternspye newspaper where he has written 'yet' another special on why the Big Balti Network is on it's way downhill..titled 'Big Balti Network on it's way down'. My all time fave piece of groundbreaking journalism was when Asjaad reported on the Asian Media Awards in London, and RajaNo1 was spotted handing out his phone number to models. I think the word he used to describe you Adila was 'sleazy Z list celebrity Adil Ray'.
Why i lied about the 'punch'

Mithun/RajaNo1 : Seperated at birth

Mithun Chakoraborthy my very own dead ringer. Yes, yes I know he has hair, and doesn't have a chin that a small army could ski down...but he does has lips that don't seem to get any circulation don't you think?
He should come down to one of our SeX dUnGeOn parties, we'll sort him out..maybe we can serve him some 'punch' which has no alchohol in it, like the type of 'punch' i drank when i smashed that car, and had to go to court.
Yes, that type of 'punch'...no Shaherazaad, not the one your thinking of, or you Rosemary (xxxx special kissy wissy's for you though Rose, only good looking women like you get this type of treatment from Nosferatu)
The head of the household of the Royle family.
Screensaver of my 'iconic' wife to be

Hello again it's me RajaNo1 the best stalker in town xxx
Here's a great pic of the future (shaherazaad make sure you look away now).... 'Mrs' StalkerNo1! This is her with crazy cool 'child killer' glasses on, doesn't she look a treat? We took this one evening after a long day of nude photoshooting for topshelftopchoice magazine as she is a glamour model. After the shoot was over me and Gioleveenagniuasdofgjdsbvdsbvhlsdb got down to some real 'shooting' if you know what I mean. Don't worry we have all white furniture, so Shaherzaad is good for something!!
Do you look back at your life sometimes and think that some things are just 'meant' to be....my teenage years were spent watching Brookside every Saturday and now 6700 years later when I look into the eyes of my child killing beloved I know the reason and meaning of life.
Can I just say (by the way I have now broken into a Leeds accent for no apparent reason except for the fact that I am Stalker No 1, and do this because I think it gives my show comic effect) don't you think lezzer Anna Friel was a dead ringer for Kate Moss when she was in Brookside?
Anyway, with love in my heart, it's time to go and get washed and ready for SeX nItE @ tHe SeX dUngEoN!!
Love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Engagement Pics

Engagement pics
We are plannig our wedding and cordially invite you, here's a picture of my our engagement, which took place today, and then there's my screensaver pic of the woman of my dreams. She is up the duff, so I've ordered some extra slabs which we can keep in the garage, just in case the need arises. We dressed up in 60's style because she likes 'nostalgia'.
Green Card Issues

RajaNo1 would like to make the following announcement :
''It has come to my attention that people think that I don't like people from Mirpur. As a real 'bonafide' Pakistani, who stems from the far away land of Dadyal I would like to confirm that despite the sarcasm in some of my words on this post, I am not ashamed of my family origins, and am not a Mirpuri hater. I am simply touching on the ignorance that many people have for this indiginous community through the avenue of humour. Just like 'Jane Austen' I am simply being ironic. What I really want to do is 'empower' the local Mirpuri community to 'not' be ashamed of where they are from despite what people say, and am poking fun at those Mirpuri's who pretend that they are not from Dadyal and are from Faisalabad. Not that I am one of those people of course, I mean I would never lie about where my family is from in Pakistan, and Thai brides don't even know where Mirpur is anyway,..... just as well really''
RajaNo1 would like to say that he is not responsible for any offence caused in this blog.
Love and Kissses from Frida the cow xxxxx
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
My heart will go on....

UH OH!!!
Right i have to get this off my pigeon chest! Problem is the above...well my girlfriend Frida is now a bit too 'close' for comfort with ENEWS! Presenter Ryan Oceancrest! (wow, beautiful name hey?)
She stand at the mirror for hours, and ignores me, lunges at me, takes out her anger at Shaherzaad at me, and well generally treats me like a creep, but with Ryan, is chatting for hours? What shall I do, i am really, really theatened, this always happens to me!! She obviously has taken a shine to him, and I'm wracked with depression...I'm here all along, and she leaves the house and doesn't tell me where she is, and where she is going?? What I'm I going to do, Mummy's milk powder mix has run out now aswell...how will I ever get through?? He's better looking than me, more witty, more succesful and has access to tons more celebs than me, in fact he puts my Z list contact list to desperate shame!!
She's even stopped noticing my jokes, and never takes any interest in my show, what if she dumps me after we have the baby?? I can't even get any breast milk from Mummy as she's on the other side of the world. Maybe if I invite him to my SeX dUNgEoN then he will see how pitiful I am, and leave her alone out of sheer pity. It's very hard for me here, in the United States of America! I think he's coming tomorrow, but now I think that Frida's idea to let me have a sex sock corner in my SeX dUNgEoN was actually her just 'jesting' with me.
The worst thing is that bitch Shaherazaad has worked all this out, so I'm hoping that My DJ friends will take the piss out of her, I know she won't cry anymore, but hey at least it gives me some hope, and then I can click the CD player, or TV and then I get some confidence back...but everything is going very, very pear shaped...I've been depressed all day, and everybody is telling Shaherazaad all about my sock drawer phobia. I just don't know what to do, my world'd being turned upside down.
Oh well, at least I have my Radio Programme to try and act bad in... then that will make me feel better.
Too scared to slate Ryan though, as he knows more celebs than me xxx Better calm down, as the heart is giving me problems, and also Frida is worried I can't get regular work!! More features for chocolate covered shoes, which is something everyone wants to know about....it's ok, my DJ mates are taking part in some 'foolproof' manipulation techniques with a bunch of wrinkle faced grannies as we speak!! Get the grannies on board, that's what I say, might try that one myself...no better think about how Rajesh would deal with all this, he'll know what to do.
To invite or not to invite? That is the question?

All hell's breaking loose!!

1 Day to go till All Hallows Eve

New Developments

Monday, October 29, 2007
Don't mention the Miss PIGGY word
Miss Piggy's Porno shots...sorry I mean portraits

Miss Piggy, look at those lovely blue eyes...( although it would have been better with a tache, Magnum style)(but she's good at art so she can draw one in)(i need to hide that epilady for good!!)(although not in the sock draw)(hey jude, don't make it bad...)(BETTER HIDE THE BOXING GLOVES)
Miss Piggy's on the rampage!!

La, la, la,la, la...this is not happening, Miss Piggy is on the rampage again!!! Oh god, time to find cover..Temper Temper xxxx
Anyway, this is what's going on!! Miss Piggy is getting a little but annoyed, because she can't take the truth. She's going livid at Sheherazaad for saying mean (but true) things about her. Apparently Miss Piggy says she is going to 'sort out' Sheherazaad (can we call her Shaz for short)..She went so mad, she opened up the sock drawer, and she knows I don't like it when she does that without warning ( I have a few phobias at the moment with the old sock drawer..)
Shaherazaad say's '' Hi Miss Piggy, I pulled out some yellow boxing gloves, but James Whale announced on Air that he wants the yellow ones, sorry xx, couldn't get you the white ones, because I know you keep ripping me off, and well I'm keen for you and Raja to make a new start''
Sheherazaad also went on to say '' I don't know why your so annoyed at me? I mean is it my fault that the entire media, you thought loved you sooo much is encouraging me, and giving me little tit bits of info??? It's not as if I've got a choice in the matter is it??? I predict a riot, but I only fight people who can keep up with me, not children who throw temper tantrums!!''
Plus, Miss Piggy, I know all about the heart attack!!! It's ok, if it makes you feel better you can always call me a big nose, or something, but then again, you'll probably go and get your nose done to look like me in 6 months time anyway...xxxx
If you don't like it, don't spy on me then. HUMPH...some people...
Bye bye...
My Inspiration

Sexy Couple photo's xxxxx


2 days left till Halloween!!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007
Happy Haloween : Our outfits

Here in the States we take Halloween really seriously, so much so that I'm already planning what to wear, as I'm very image conscious and really want to put my days of yonder (or should I say Wanda, please see Ugly Betty) behind me. Plus it means I can make lots of new friends, and pretend I'm really fabulous.
I used to call women Witches, but shouldn't i take a closer look at myself...I seem to resemble a very starange likeness to Nosferatu don't I?
Oh well, no need to dress up for Halloween anyway..me and jolean can go together, yes she doesn't need to dress up either...since she likes walking around naked, i suggested we get out a few black crayolas colouring crayons, or some black chalk stuff and lightly pencil over her bones, especially the ribs, as I'm getting into Art, and then I can take her as a piece of art at the Halloween party..oh my, think how we will outdo everyone hey? How clever is that?I'll take her as the skeleton, as I'll feel closer to her then, see pic above (because once upon a time my Stalking victim used to say : why don't you just piss off, you f*****G skeletor, and I like to relive those past memories...plus my girlfriend is obsssed with her anyway, and is always trying to be other 'people'..) ...yes, Nosferatu comes to the ball, with his own live skeleton! Wow, roll up, roll up...the world's first walking, breathing skeleton!!! If it hits off, I think I might set up a website, and get people to watch the world's first living skeleton all day long, since I have all the necersary stalking experience, already, and for a small fee, am willing to hire out binoculours...Jolean will love it, as it will help further her career..but you better not tell her I call her jolean...because then she'll go and have laser treatment, and you know she's very fragile (obviously if she sees something in me)
Bye bye!

Thursday, October 25, 2007
Hello Again, it's me KUSRA

Monday, October 22, 2007
Yes, I know nobody has missed me, but I've been on holiday for three months to Mirpur, the homeland, but of course (cunning as I am) I told everyone it was someowhere exotic like Indonesia, but really the only place I feel at ease is in Mirpur, Pakistan, Dadyal to be exact.
With the wind 'not in my hair', I ventured out into the wilderness because it was poo time, and we don't have toilets in Dadyal, so I had to search for the nearest piece of grassy land to dig that hole and relieve myself. Luckily, there are plenty of holes left over in Mirpur, as no one has tolielts there, (how ignorant of me to think so low of the indigenous people, I mean come on, like they would really have time to dig new fresh holes every time you need to relieve yourself...) so when it comes the time to relieve myself of Aunty Gazamphar's lentils (because were sooo healthy) what you do is venture out, run for the hills and basically you just 'recycle' old holes left over from the last persons visit.... each hole belongs to the various different tribes, etc,...so if you pick the wrong hole, and it belongs to a warring tribe, you may be met with a rifle under your arse (although I secretly enjoy it, but only on the weekends)
I remember the first time I did this, I had just come of age, in the prime of youth (yes, I had just turned 31) when I pulled down my Shalwar and instead of feeling the dewly moisture of the baldes, sorry ahem,,I mean blades of grass...(I have issues with my receding hairline, and I have many freudian slips), (although I don't really know what that is...but if you say things with enough conviction, and look up enough words in the dictionary...nobody questions your intelligence) of grass, I was instead me with the head of a donkey, well you know, there aren't a lot of very inviting ladies in Mirpur, and well you know one thing led to another... the second time it was with a Sheep...Baa, Baa she bleeped as I relieved myself. Since then I tend to have 'issues' with sheep, and can be heard regurlarly on my show hurling insults at the poor creatures, maybe it will mean that I never indulged in all those dirty deeds, and you will all think that it is beacuse I genuinely do have a real aversion to sheep!
Anyway, guess what...I've found love ...He's name is BRITGUY007.... i knew it was love at first sight, when I read his name...did I tell you that one of my psedonyms is : RajaNo1....a coincidence..well Ithink not!! He called me an Asshole today... fancy that an asshole? I've never felt so cherished in my entire life xxx
Britguy and RajaNo1...with a name like RajaNo1, I'll be wearing the trousers.... I'll be going to Jewelery Quarter soon, to buy the ring...no matter that I've never met the guy, and he told me to he's not Gay...I know he wants me really!!!
Love ya and leave you...I'm gong to tell my husband about this post before they kick me off the dating site...
Here's a Picture of the fabulous Mangla Dam...the biggest tourist destination in the Whole of Mirpur...all the macho men congregate there on a Wednesday to compare the size of the moustache...but I'm afraid I can't go, because I can only grow a bit of bumm fluff, and well, obviously I'm bald...Your moustache is a sign of your virility, and capability as a Man..and I hate Wednesdays as I always get laughed at, because the whole male population of Dadyal is at Mangla Dam being macho, and well I can't go....all i can do is sit with the ladies...at first I thoguht great, think of the amount of Shalwar's I could pull down, and well I know how to unlatch a parandha,...but the women don't want to come near me, and call me a 'Kusra' .