Hey Ho everybody! What's that up there? Oh is that a SURRENDER FLAG (Why of course it is I am Pleb No 1 of course)
The following is a picture of my dad by the way (sorry I felt compelled to share this with you all, why I don't actually know why, but you can obviously see the family resemblance)

Guess who? Yes it's me Stalker No1, the world's GREATEST PLEB! Just being my usual plebby self as per usual. These days I prefer to pleb indoors with my Grandad slippers, as life isn't going too well. It seems that Shaherazaad the Queen of all Queen's is constantly on the telly. My skivvy and her exclusive Kinga from Big Brother interviews are just not holding the same appeal these days. .jpg)

Here is a picture of Brenda anyway and her neighbours just to cheer up Shaherazaad who is the ultimate Queen of the World and beyond, as sucking up is the ONLY viable and intelligent option at the moment. I will have to wait for my glory days before I bear my teeth, but until that day let's go back to plan A which entails me playing dead and sucking up pathetically to Shaherazaad the Queen of the entire WORLD.
Dear Shaherazaad...

Please look at the above picture and take it as a temporary peace offering, because I can't possibly fight you when you are quite clearly kicking my ass which hasn't been bummed for a while by the way. Yes it is a picture of Brenda and her neighbours.
Bye bye
love from Stalker No 1
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