I always feel like somebody's watching me?
Yes, you've guessed it I'm back again Stalker No 1. Always there 24/7. Do you know Sting? Every breath you take, every move you make... that song is about stalking, so Sting is one of us!!! Hurray!! All the other stalkers I know are really annoyed (but not too annoyed, because he's one of us) that he wont 'come out' that's where I learnt all my moves, and let me tell you, no one can top me when it comes to stalking. In fact, i'd say I'm that good, I'm making 'history'. Guess what here's another picture of a love heart and also a pair of headphones which share the same name as yours truly... love and kisses xxx miss you already, but not that much as I'm watching you all the time anyway xxx Better not fancy me too much because then you'll see my ugly side, and let me tell you it's not pretty. Here's some more love hearts and those headphones i told you about...see it's a secret revolution. shhh.....

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