Monday, August 27, 2007

I've got loads of friends me

Hello all,

Guess what I'm so cool and better than you because I've got lots of friends, in fact I've got so many friends that I have a radio show and I like telling people about my huge amount of friends, and hopefully secretly wishing you don't have any. See I have friends, and that means that I'm better than you.

Here's one of my friends, you can find her too, if you google : pictures of annie mac on the internet.

Remember I've got loads of friends. Wow. I bet I've got more friends than you on myspace...oooh yes.

Here's a picture of one of my friends : The lovely annie. Remember don't mess with us, because we've got loads of friends/ All of us. You better stay in line. Trisha is my friend too.

Things I like

Dear all,

Hello everybody.....

Did you know my last stalking victim really hated me...she used to say 'get lost, why don't you just get lost somewhere...when are you going to leave me alone?' I couldn't take a hint, you see, and would always, always come back, despite her cruel words. She said i was like a boomerang, and no matter how many times I throw you away, you just keep coming back...just like a bloody boomerang'

She's so nice to me, wow, fancy that comaparing me to a Boomerang? Now my favourite sport in the world is playing with a boomerang. In fact now I like them soo much a bought 10 Boomerangs, and ended up dating an Australian girl because of this new sense of identity she gave me by those words. When i bought my first boomerang, I also bought a pair of socks, because I was feeling a bit 'daring'. Here's a picture of a Boomerang, bought to you by Stalker No 1 ( I KnOw WhEre yoU liVe)
(stop crying! stop crying!...)

I'm not violent you know...I won't physically harm you, and I know I must keep a distance of a 5 mile radius.

Here's some socks

Let me tell you a secret

Hello Again ladeez,

It's me, Stalker No1 again...

You know they won't let me sell myself on eBay because apparently my services aren't actually real. Well, let me tell you, I am real, and I'm not fake, not only do I know where you live...but i can also see into your souls ladeez.

Here's another picture of Sting, because he's my hero, and my and mummy again...don't you think we would make a nice family? I do. So Sting, if you ever wanna hook up, we'll have loads to talk about, and tons in common, loads to discuss, and tips to share... I love gadgets too, especially stalking ones.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Look outside. I can see you.

Every Breath I take, every move you make...every single day, every time i pray I'll be watching yooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Here's a picture of Cape Fear. Well a poster. No love hearts yet, you haven't earnt them.

Stalk 4 u/ Stalk 4 Talk/ Just Stalk no talk

Genuine Stalker wants to meet women for genuine stalking and not very 'fun' times. Am willing to find someone mentally incapable to look after themselves, but not too much as then I will have no toys to break.

Am happy to cover the cost of a romantic holiday...has anyone seen Cape Fear recently?Maybe I can get some holiday tips from there?

P.S sORry for swearing in the first post, and the inconsistent sentences, I am very apologetic for this. I may stalk you, I may ruin your entire life, and not be the slightest bit apologetic for it, but I draw the line at Bad Grammar, and CAPS LOCK! there's no need to shout.

I'm thinkning of selling myself on eBay. What do you think? I'll think I'll call my psydoneum Norman because that's what my previous victim used to call me.

Stalk 4 talk

Stalker NO 1.

i'M SORRY about writing in caps lock in my first posts, maybe that scared you off? Do you know what I'm doing wrong? Do you know that the word stalk is an anagram of the word talks. ...I love to talk and stalk too! Wow! It's as if this was meant to be for me...Stalking was my destiny.I love anagrams me, and Countdown which is a programme in England. Here's a picture of another very famous Stalker.

Stalk 4 u

StalKER nO 1

Ladeez, it's your lucky day...genuine stalker wants to meet ladeez, for stalking and talking. For the right person I am willing to stalk for life.. (N.B This is not a HOAX, i repeat, this is not a HOAX, I am a real bonafide stalker, and I want to stalk you now)

I'm sooo upset, it's been hours and i've been sitting here with no one to stalk. Why don't you want me? Why? Here are some pictures of some celery stalks.

I always feel like somebody's watching me?

Yes, you've guessed it I'm back again Stalker No 1. Always there 24/7. Do you know Sting? Every breath you take, every move you make... that song is about stalking, so Sting is one of us!!! Hurray!! All the other stalkers I know are really annoyed (but not too annoyed, because he's one of us) that he wont 'come out' that's where I learnt all my moves, and let me tell you, no one can top me when it comes to stalking. In fact, i'd say I'm that good, I'm making 'history'. Guess what here's another picture of a love heart and also a pair of headphones which share the same name as yours truly... love and kisses xxx miss you already, but not that much as I'm watching you all the time anyway xxx Better not fancy me too much because then you'll see my ugly side, and let me tell you it's not pretty. Here's some more love hearts and those headphones i told you about...see it's a secret revolution. shhh.....

Sorry couldn't find any pics of headphones.

StaLk 4u xxxx (sTalKeR sALe : i KnOw wHeRe YoU liVe)

StAlKeR sALe (I kNow WhEre You Live xxXxxxXX)

sTalkeR nO 1

Have you ever dreamed of being stalked my sweet? Have you ever longed for the feeling of being monitored 24 hours a day, and wanted to know what it feels like to have someone know your every move? Do you long for that oh so special creepy feeling a man can give a woman when he intrudes on her privacy and knows everything about her without her consent? Have you dreamed what it would be like to be watched and monitored every day for life, just like in those romantic movies (that some people refer to as Murder/Horror flicks, but I feel that they fail to see the RomAnCe thAt I CaN sEE, aNd WoUld liKe to ReCreAte fOr yOu ...whoops ahem, sorry there, for a moment I don't know what came over me)

If so then I'm the man for you.... I've been searching for you all my life, especially in the last day or two as my previous stalking interest has put me up for sale. So here I am, in your cyber arms forever...keep reading and i'Ll tElL yOu hOw I HuNt fOr mY pReY....WHOOps..ahem sorry, ahem, yes what I MEaNt wAs how I whoooo my pReY..Ahem, I mean love interest. Remember Stalk 4 U is not a limited company, so if more than one woman would like me to stalk them, I am always happy to oblige. Always. and 4 ever (remember the brand name, I'm a MaRketing Graduate you know). If you enjoy toilet stalking, then for you my sweet, I will hand over my personal mobile phone, which has a nifty GPS thingy fitted in so I can track which toilet your going into. If we really click, and I stalk you more than one occasion, then I'll let you have access to my stash of dirty pics I have stored over the years of women going to the toilet and showering, which is my personal fave, as I'm big on hygeine, and feel it is of upmost importance to stay clean at all times)

Let me tell you a secret? My last stalking relationship lasted for 4 years, and it gave me the oppurtunity to grow and learn as a person. I wish my last victim well, I tried to ruin her life, but really it didn't work. I thought that if I sabotaged her life long enough she would need me...just like in the beginning, and many a times I tried to win her back, by miss calling her...and leaving cheesy Indian songs on her answering machine, but she didn't want me. Despite feeling so rejected, I am back on my feel again, and am ready to stalk once more, because I'm a postive person, and you know if you don't ask you don't get do you?So i am asking you all, pleae let me stalk you (NB i don't mind begging, as nothing is beneath me). I do like myself a lot, and here's another picture of me for you and me both to adore...we have one thing in common don't we did i tell you i miss you already. My last stalking victim the b**ch used to hate me for stalking her, she was an ungrateful b***ch who didn't know how lucky she was. I mean all the time and effort I was putting into stalking her, defaming her, sleeping with her ex, encouraging her bullying everywhere she went, stopping her career plans. HOw could she not resist me, but I know she loves me really...ooh yes. Plays hard to get, i know her game, but I've stopped miss calling her as she threatened police action, and well the last time she did that it wasn't very nice. Here;s that pic, brb.

I love this picture, I have another one of me and my mom....guess which one is mummy? I love mummy, she's great, that's her on a flight back from India. Ok, that's enough of the niceties, how much will you pay my previous owner in blood money? We must discuss price at some point, and like a true businessman, i don't joke about money.